Day-Trip NYC Do 9/11 Memorial Museum

Bus Trip & Museum Tour
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WHERE: Pickup at Elite Coach in Ephrata at 1685 W. Main St., Ephrata PA 17522
TIMES: Saturday - March 4, 2023 at 7am with a return of approx. 8:30pm

Pricing for Bus Trip, Memorial and Museum are $105.00 / per. person. $99.00 / senior citizen

The bus will leave New York approx. 4pm and make a stop for dinner at Clinton Station Diner in New Jersey. This diner is know for great tasting meals and desserts, serving large portions you may want to consider sharing with another, with a large selection of desserts. Dinner is on your own.

Join us for a day remembering the lives lost and the devastation left after the attack of September 11, 2001, which is now over 20 years ago. Even though it happened so long ago, a lot of us remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news.

  • The Museum shares the story of that tragic day through artifacts, imagery, personal testimonies and technical display you can interact with as you take in the sights around you.
  • The Museum is made up of 110,000 square feet of space of gallery that includes "The Hunt for Bin Laden" and "The Place of Honor and Remembrance."
  • Pictures are on display of the towers right before the attacks, with excerpts from live coverage right before the first aircraft was directed into the first tower are now displayed.
  • You will hear recordings of phone calls from those inside the planes and the Pentagon.
  • A large area of the Museum was reserved as a dedication for the 2983 people killed in the September 11 tragedy. Allowing you to sit quietly and listen to each of their stories.
  • Another powerful experience when you visit is the 65 ft. high slurry wall that was kept as a reminder of how much worse the attacks could have been.

Touring both the 9/11 Memorial and Museum may take up to 3 hours to see all the exhibits.

Audio Guides will be available, themed audio tours featuring stories of 9/11 and the recovery at Ground Zero. It’s a great way to explore the museum on your own and not missing out on information and learn about the details of the Museum’s archaeological elements plus the architectural designs of the Memorial and the Museum.

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Day-Trip NYC Do 9/11 Memorial Museum
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